Application of Smoking Control Behavior and Psychological Intervention in Medical Imaging Examination of Children's Health Information

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Ai Yingtong, Wang Guoping, Yang Yue, Yang Jianke


Tobacco use is not only harmful to the health of smokers, but also poses a threat to the health of people who are exposed to passive smoking, especially to children in their growth and development. This paper presents the application of smoking control behavior and psychological intervention in children's health information medical (imaging) examination. This paper is divided into three parts: The first part is the basic research of smoking control behavior and psychological intervention. The second part is the experimental model of medical image examination based on tobacco control, which introduces the experimental method and specific operation steps in detail. The core of the model is the improvement and optimization of smoking control behavior and psychological intervention and CT detection methods. By customizing services, the improved approach is more suitable for pediatric patients. The third part of this paper is comparative analysis. Through a large number of comparative experiments, the analysis of experimental data shows that psychological intervention in time during the smoking control behavior of children can effectively reduce the occurrence of psychological problems, and reduce the detection rate of mental health problems.

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