Dermatological Evaluation of Counter-Irritant and Anti-Inflammatory Effect of Ethanolic Seed Extract of Mangifera Indica in Rabbits

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Ameen Abbas et al.


Purpose: This study was designed to assess the counter-irritant and anti-inflammatory activity of seed extract of Mangifera indica belonging to the cashews family of the plant kingdom

Method: Fifteen rabbits of either gender with an average weight 1.5 kg ±1.5g for each inducer (phenol, acetic acid, formalin and sandpaper) were used to evaluate the effect of seed extract. Phenol, formalin, acetic acid and sandpaper were used to induce irritation and inflammation while distilled water and betamethasone were used as negative and positive control respectively. Different doses (25, 50, 75 µg/mL) of ethanolic extract were assessed to evaluate the dose-dependent response of M. indica seed. Maximum tolerated dose and minimum tolerated dose was calculated at an interval of 2 hours in (25, 50 and 75 µg/mL).

Results: These doses with the same pattern showed anti-inflammatory activity 65.13±2.3% to 78.21±2.4% in phenol, 79.31±2.5% to 94.92±2.4 % in acetic acid, 79.21±2.7 % to 98.02±2.2 % in formalin and 60.21±2.9 % to 97.31±2.2% in sandpaper respectively.

Conclusion: Ethanolic extract of M. Indica seed shows the ability to lighten the effect of irritation and inflammation.

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