Environmental Crisis: An Eco critical study on Xingjian’s Soul Mountain

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Dr. Mary Cisin Shemanayaki


    A healthy ecosystem should be active, energetic with the capacity to reinstate itself. Xingjian examines the crisis faced by aquatic ecosystem of rivers and terrestrial ecosystem of forests in the work Soul Mountain .The nature lovers construct the protected areas  to save the ecosystem ,but it becomes a back drop idea when new opportunities  are introduced . Mining, oil exploration and infrastructural developments affect the protection of the reserved areas .Xingjian depicts that in lack of sufficient resources and help from local communities the reserves are only protected in paper .The illegal trades in the reserve results in the extinction of flagship species like tiger ,rhino ,elephant and  other rare plant and animal species . Conservation through exclusion  is  not  possible ,therefore the committee mixed the local community members whose help and service are perfectly rendered to protect  the natural resources .Xingjian during his journey explores the protected areas in  Shennongjia , China and records them in Soul Mountain.

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